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Thrombocytopenia in pregnancy has
many causes, including Gestatational
Thrombocytopenia, viral and bacterial
infections, and preeclampsia complicated
by haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes
and low platelet (HELLP syndrome).The
great concern for IdiopathicThrombocytopenic
Purpura (ITP) during pregnancy is
the risk of thrombocytopenia in newborn
infants. A 24 year G2P1L1 previous
lower Caesarean section presented to us
with history of gum bleeding and profuse
bleeding per vagina. She was diagnosed
of ITP in her previous pregnancy and
was treated symptomatically. In her interconception
period she was not on any
drug. In present pregnancy she was
started on steroid and transfused with 42
units of blood components .She delivered
a healthy boy baby weighed 2.250 kg by
lower segment caesarean section with
Her postoperative period was stormy. She
was discharged on the 21st post- operative
day. The aim of this case report to reveal
pregnancy with ITP and its clinical presentation,
investigation and management with
review of few relevant literatures.

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