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We report unusual case of 4 year old
female child with right orbital swelling,
right cerebellar space occupying(SOL)
lesion, midline frontal SOL and hydrocephalus.
Initially, right ventriculo peritoneal(
VP) shunt and biopsy from the orbital
swelling done ,which was reported
as non-Hodgkins lymphoma(NHL) but
IHC and further haematological evaluations
were found to be negative for
NHL.As patient deteriorated further because
of posterior fossa SOL, occipital
craniectomy and total excision of posterior
fossa SOL done. Now the biopsy
was reported as myeloid sarcoma with
positive CD 117 and myeloperoxidase
and on examining the blood and bone
marrow it was found that she was having
Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) M 2
type. Myeloid sarcoma itself is a rare tumour.
In this case it is multiple. Multiple
intra cranial myeloid sarcomas are even
rare among all reported cases.

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