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A 45 years old lady presented with the complaints of a lump
over the left breast for 2 months. H/Opain over the lump
present occasionally. No H/O any nipple discharge. No H/O
back pain. She wasfound to have Hypertension and adviced
Anti hypertensives. Her menstrual cycle was normal.
Familyhistory was nil significant .On examination, a hard, non
tender lump of size 2X2 cm felt over the central quadrant of
the breast,moves along with the breast tissue. Nipple-Areola
complex was normal. No axillary or Leftsupraclavicular lymph
nodes were palpable. Opposite breast and axilla was
normal.A clinical diagnosis of carcinoma breast Stage IIA T2
N0 MO was made.Ultrasound Left breast showed hypoechoic
mass of size 3x2.6X1 cm with irregular margins noted insub
areolar region suggestive of carcinoma breast.Mammogram
showed an illdefined solid mass lesion with branch like extension
predominantly in subareolar region of lower aspect of left
breast suspicious of malignancy – BIRADS.4.FNAC reported
as smear positive for malignancy, Ductal carcinoma of left
breast.Susequently Modified Radical Mastectomy of Left
breast was performedHistopathological examination
was turned out to be Papillary Carcinoma of breast with all
resectedmargins are free from tumour infiltration. No evidence
of lymphovascular invasion. All 13 nodesshows reactive hyperplasia.
Immuno histochemistry –Estrogen Receptor[ ER ] &
Progesterone receptor [PR ] – Negative.
HER 2/neu – Negative.

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