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Bilateral Acute Dacryocystitis in an adult patient following Punctal Thermal Cautery for Dry Eye Syndrome



Abstract : Bilateral acute dacryocystitis is an acute
inflammation of the both lacrimal sacs, commonly seen with
congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction ,in adults sometimes
can be seen with bilateral sinonasal polyposis, bilateral
inferior turbinate hypertrophy and rarely with atrophic rhinitis
producing excessive crusting bilaterally causing potential
nasolacrimal duct orifice obstruction, but here we have
treated a patient with dry eyes due to primary kerato
conjuctivitis sicca by bilateral lacrimal punctal thermal cautery
and following which after 25 days the patient came back with
bilateral acute dacryocystitis presenting with fever, swelling
over both the lacrimal sac area, pain and tenderness over the
swelling, we have managed the patient in our inpatient
department with intravenous antibiotics, aspiration of the sac,
injection of antibiotics into the sac, culture and sensitivity of
the aspirate followed by surgical intervention for the
dacryocystitis made us to present this journal.
Keyword :Bilateral acute dacryocystitis, keratoconjuctivitis
sicca, dry eyes, punctal thermal cautery

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American journal of ophthalmology, 1991- published by department

of ophthalmology and visual sciences, university of illinois, chicago

college of medicine.

American academy of ophthalmology series 2010- 2011.

Scott and Brown text book of Otorhinolaryngology, 7th edition.


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An Initiative of The Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University