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Mohan J, Jahir Hussain


When patients present with total ear avulsion, the options available are, replantation of the avulsed ear1, banking the ear cartilage in subcu-taneous pocket for later reconstruction 2-5 and reattachment as composite graft 6.
Many times replantation of the avulsed ear is not possible because it is crushed and unfit for re-plantation or the patient has other associated injuries and cannot withstand lengthy proce-dures or the microvascular expertise is not avail-able7. In such situations the cartilage framework can be harvested from the avulsed ear and banked in a sub cutaneous pocket created in the post auricular region .This is a short procedure and can be done under local anaesthesia.

After 3 to 6 months the ear can be reconstructed using the banked cartilage and the pedicled tem-poro parietal fascial flap.
The totally avulsed ear reattached as a compo-site graft usually does not survive in our hot weather conditions.

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