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A rare case of external auditory canal cholesteatoma with facial nerve palsy – our experience

Murali Mohan Kamalakkannan .


External Auditory Canal Cholesteatoma is a rare and

distinct otological entity, with an incidence of 0.1 – 0.5% of

all patients with ear complaints. This disease is

characterised by invasion of squamous epithelium of the

ear canal into an area of localised bony erosion. It may

either be primary (spontaneous, which is rare) or

secondary (following trauma, surgery or post irradiation).

The fact, that by the time patients seek consultation the

disease would have gone on to erode the bony constraints

of external auditory canal and spread to adjacent

structures, poses a great challenge for the otologist. In this

article, we present our experience in diagnosis and

management of one such rare case of Giant External

auditory canal Cholesteatoma complicated by facial nerve



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