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A 21 years old, Mrs.X, a primigravida of 14 weeks gestation came with complaints of bleeding per vaginum and abdominal pain for 6 hours. She had no significant past  history . On examination, patient was anemic with stable  vitals . On per vaginal examination, products of conception felt through os. Basic investigations with serum beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin sent. Ultrasonogram of abdomen showed twin live intrauterine gestation with partial mole. She spontaneously expelled both live twin fetus along with         placenta with partial mole. Serum beta HCG was elevated to 26,068 U per ml which decreased to 7,606 U per ml  postnatally. After advice on contraception follow up, risk of future pregnancies, she was discharged. Case is being   presented here for its rarity and anticipated complications of pregnancy emphasized to prevent maternal morbidity and mortality.


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