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Fibrosarcoma is a soft tissue tumor of  mesenchymal cell origin that is composed of malignant  fibroblasts in a collagenous back ground. Low grade                   fibrosarcomas are clinically indistinguishable from Aggressive fibromatosis. We report a case of extremity fibrosarcoma presenting as a large tumor in the left forearm. Though the tumor was large in size we proceeded with tumor excision and reconstruction with successful limb salvage of left            forearm, the reason being size of the tumor in the extremities does not determine the feasibility of limb salvage, but the Grade of the tumor does. To conclude, low grade soft tissue tumors, surgery is the main modality of treatment. In regions where conventional 2cm tumor clearance cant be given,  tumor is excised one plane beyond the involved plane. This case is presented for its rarity (Fibrosarcoma is rare in the forearm) and Successful Limb salvage.


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