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Renal cell carcinoma is the most common
neoplasm of the kidney. It is a heterogeneousdisease,
comprised of different
histological variants with a distinct
clinical course, genetics andresponse to
treatment. The various subtypes identified
include clear cell, papillary and chromophobe,
among others. Chromophobe
renal cell carcinoma is a rare variant and
accounts for 5 of all cases.The coexistence
of different subtypes of renal cell
carcinoma (RCC) within a single kidney
is anextremely unusual entity. Presented
herein is the case of a 60-year-old
woman with RCC ofchromophobe and
papillary histology. Very few reports in
the literature describe double or triplesynchronous
renal neoplasms. To our
knowledge this is the second report of
this RCC subtypecombination, which
might trigger further investigation on the
RCC pathogenesis theories. This patientunderwent
partial nephrectomy and on
followup was found to be free of metastasis
or localrecurrence.

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