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Inverted follicular keratosis mimicking Basal cell carcinoma - A Case report and Review of literature



Title Inverted follicular keratosis mimicking
Basal cell carcinoma A case report
and Review of literature. Objective Skin
tumours are a challenging group of conditions
that can be categorized into those
that are commonly seen and easily recognised.
But in certain clinical scenarios
the diagnosis can be misleading causing
unnecessary apprenhension and over
treatment. In the current article we would
like to present one such case where in
the lesion clinically simulated malignancy.
Case description A 76 year old
lady presented with a history of swelling
in the left cheek for the last 2 years. The
swellings were clinically diagnosed to be
Basal cell carcinoma for which she underwent
excision biopsy with cheek advancement
flap cover. Post operatively
she did not have any complications. On
HPE, the lesion was diagnosed as Inverted
follicular keratosis. Case Discussion
Inverted follicular keratosis is a benign,
asymptomatic, solitary skin lesion,
which typically presents in middle
aged or older patients, with median age at
presentation of 69 year. It is seen mostly
on the face with a clinical resemblance to
malignancy. Hence it should be carefully
evaluated upon and treated with caution to
avoid unnecessary aggressive excision
that can lead to cosmetic deformity and apprehension
among patients

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