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Primary mucoepidermoid carcinoma
(MEC) of the esophagus is an uncommon
neoplasm account for 0.05 to 2.2 percent
of all cases of primary oesophageal cancer
. Diagnosis depends on precise microscopic
criteria characterized by a diffuse
mixture of squamous and mucus-secreting
glandular carcinoma cells. It is believed to
arise from the submucosal glands or ducts
or from the stratified squamous epithelium
of the esophagus. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
of the esophagus is extremely aggressive
and has a poor prognosis. The
poor prognosis of esophageal MEC may
be caused by high proliferative and metastatic
potential. Treatment for this tumor has
primarily been surgical resection.One such
rare tumor was reported at the Institute of
pathology madras medical college is being
published for its rarity.
Keyword :Mucoepidermoid carcinoma,
esophagus, primary
Mucoepidermoid carcinomas occur commonly
in the salivary, lacrimal and tra
cheobronchial glands. However, they
have been reported in the oesophagus
also very rarely 1.Primary mucoepidermoid
carcinoma of the esophagus is an
uncommon neoplasm account for 0.05%
to 2.2% of all cases of primary oesophageal
cancer 1. We present a rare tumour of
esophagus-Primary mucoepidermoid carcinoma
reported in our institute.

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