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Hypothyroidism is a clinical condition characterised
by transient or progressive impairment
of biosynthesis of thyroid hormones
with compensatory thyroid enlargement.
Thyroid hormone exerts its action on
every cell of the body, by influencing the
rate of general metabolic processes. It is
involved in brain maturation and tissue development.
Hyperuricemia can result from
increased production or decreased excretion
of uric acid or from a combination of
two processes. In Primary hypothyroidism,
renal plasma flow is reduced in accordance
with the changes in cardiovascular
hemodynamics that causes decreased
glomerular filtration.AIM AND OBJECTIVES-
The aim of the study is to estimate
the level of Serum Uric acid in Primary hypothyroid
cases and to compare it with
normal, healthy control groups (age and
sex matched) and to correlate the relationship
between Serum Uric acid level with
Serum Creatinine, Blood Urea, Total Cholesterol
and fasting Glucose.
-Study population composed of 50 patients
with Primary hypothyroidism and 50
healthy control groups (age and sex
matched). Blood samples from both the
groups were analysed for serum Uric acid,
thyroid profile, renal function test, total
cholesterol and fasting blood glucose.
Uric acid was estimated by Uricase
method. Thyroid profile was done by
ELISA. RESULTS- The mean S.Uric acid
level was significantly high in the study
group (10.4 plus or minus 1.71 mgdl)
when compared to the control group (5.37
plus or minus 0.95 mgdl) and the p value
is statistically significant. Our study
showed decreased level of S.T3 and S.T4
and increased S.TSH in the study group
when compared to that of control group.
CONCLUSION- To conclude, our study
showed increased level of Serum Uric
acid in patients with Primary Hypothyroidism
when compared to normal healthy
controls. Increase in S.Uric acid levels in
hypothyroid patients may be due to increased
production from excess ADP and
decreased renal clearance.

If thyroid status is corrected, Uric acid level
returns to normal and an improvement of renal
status occurs in patients with Primary hypothyroidism.

Full Text:



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