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Scaphoid is the most common carpal bone to get fractured and can go for avascular necrosis because of its  precarious blood supply. Morphometric study of 50 scaphoids from 25 cadavers was studied in the Institute of Anatomy,  Madras Medical College, Chennai. The morphologic features like presence, shape and variations of tubercle, waist, dorsal sulcus and foramen were studied. The length, width and   circumference of the waist of the scaphoid were studied. In the present study, all 50 specimens showed presence of tbercle, waist, and foramen. Regarding the shape of tubercle, 29 were conical and 21 were pyramidal in shape. 45 showed presence of multiple foramina. The morphometric values were 1.length of the scaphoid 26.492.07mm (right side), 25.531.85mm (left side), 27.551.32mm (male) 24.471.32 (female). 2. The proximal width of scaphoid 12.890.8mm (right side), 11.48 0.96mm (left side), 12.861.08mm (male), 11.520.79mm (female). 3. The width of the waist 9.070.65mm (right), 8.490.63 (left), 9.120.57mm (male), 8.450.67mm (female). 4. The distal width of the        scaphoid 9.940.76mm (right) 9.771.44mm (left) 10.320.75mm (male) 10.090.36mm (female). 5. The waist circumference 3.670.30cm (right) 3.50.27cm (left) 3.80.22cm (male) 3.370.20cm (female).


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