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Glycogen storage disease (GSD) are due to  mutation of genes that codes for proteins involved in glycogen synthesis.Pompes disease ,also referred as acid maltase deficiency or glycogen storage disease type is an  autosomal recessive disorder caused by a deficiencyof  lysosomal enzyme acid glucosidase(GAA).1 It was the first recognised lysosomal storage disease and is the only              glycogen storage disease that is also a lysosomal storage disease .In pompes disease,lysosomal glycogen accumulates in many tissues , with skeletal ,cardiac and smooth muscles prominently involved2 3.We report a case of pompes disease ,occured in 11 months old male child presented with floppiness of limbs and motor devel opmental delay since 5 months of age.This was one of the very rare cases reported in India.


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Nelson textbook of paediatrics 19 th edition page 499-500


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