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A Study on Prevalence of Loneliness and its association with health problems among elderly in Chennai-2015



INTRODUCTION Loneliness typically includes anxious feelings about a lack of connectedness or             communality with other beings, both in the present and        extending into the future. As such, loneliness can be felt even when surrounded by other people. With ongoing economic development and the consequent changes in family structure and relationships, the elderly lose their relevance and             significance in their own households and face problems          OBJECTIVE To estimate the proportion of loneliness              prevalent among the study group of the elderly and to assess various health problems associated with loneliness among the elderly. METHODOLOGY This cross sectional study was done among aged persons of age 65 years, of both gender in Chennai (N-400). Data collected were analyzed using Chi square test. RESULTS Among the study participants, the prevalence of loneliness was found to be 80.5 percentage . Males had 75.4 percentage (n-181) prevalence of loneliness when compared to females who had 88.1 percentage (n-141). People living with their spouse had 79 percentage (n-218) prevalence of loneliness, people who were widow or widower who had 83.9 percentage(n-104), people living with their son or daughter or relatives had 79 percentage(n-218), people who were not living with their son daughter relatives who had 83.9 percentage(n-104), people suffering with 2 diseases had 72.3 percentage(n-188) prevalence of loneliness when             compared to people suffering with more than two diseases had 95.7 percentage (n­134). The prevalence of loneliness was more among females, people living alone, people           suffering with more number of diseases. The prevalence of the various health related problem reported by the study  participants were Diabetes mellitus (64 percentage) , Ortho related problems (47 percentage), Hypertension (45.5           percentage), Cardiac problems (40.5 percentage), GIT            problems (7 percentage), Skin problems (5.5 percentage), Pulmonary problems (4 percentage), others (2 percentage) . CONCLUSION Loneliness is common among elderly people and the prevalence of loneliness increases with increased number of diseases. There needs to be an increased focus on initiating intervention strategies to combat loneliness and thereby improve quality of life and functioning in the elderly.




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