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A Case Report report on Rhabdomyosarcoma of the uterus



Most uterine sarcomas fall into these categories leiomyosarcoma,endometrial stromal sarcoma or                      undifferentiated sarcoma. Yet rhabdomyosarcoma element may be present as a component adenosarcoma or                carcinosarcoma ( malignant mixed mullerian tumor). Pure rhabdomyosarcoma are extremely rare. We report a case of 60 yr old postmenopausal women para six living six came with complaints of brownish discharge per vaginum.               Ultrasonography showed bulky uterus with pyometra.                Fractional curettage revealed malignant mixed mullerian    tumor. Patient underwent total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salphingo oophorectomy with pelvic                     lymphadenectomy. Rhabdomyosarcoma with review of            literature is presented in the following work

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