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Abstract : Objective To examine gender differences in the characteristics of suicidal behavior in patients admitted to Medical ward of a teaching hospital in Tamilnadu. Methods. The sample was drawn from the general medical ward of a  medical college hospital in Tamilnadu.  Participants were   recruited for the study after being admitted in a general    medical ward following a suicide attempt during the period between September 2010 and October 2010. Consecutive 30 male patients and 30 female patients were selected. Sociodemographic data was collected in a specially designed proforma. The Beck suicidal intent scale (BSI) was used to rate the suicidal intent while Lethality was assessed with Risk rescue rating scale. The Patients were interviewed for the presence of psychiatric disorders and the diagnoses were made based on ICD 10 CDDG. Socio demographic variables were compared between men and women using chi square tests and t tests. Difference in Items of RRRS between groups were analyzed by using chi square and t tests. Results:No significant difference was found in socio demographic variables except substance abuse. While none of the female had substance abuse, 50 of men had substance abuse in the form of alcohol with 23 amounting to dependence. 33.3 of males and 20 of females had made one or two previous suicide attempts. Depression was the most common diagnosis in both gender groups. There was no statistical difference in Rescue score and total score of RRRS while Risk score suggests that the suicide attempt made by males (mean 1.53SD 0.937) were more lethal than those made by females.

Keyword :Suicide, Gender, Depression, Risk factor.


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