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Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction Due To Anti - Jka - A Case Study



Abstract : BACKGROUND - Kidd system antibodies occur
only as immune antibodies and are characteristically difficult
to detect. They show variability in immunoglobulin class,
sub-class and serological characteristics. Kidd antibodies are
dangerous as they may cause severe acute hemolytic
transfusion reaction and delayed hemolytic transfusion
reaction. PATIENT AND METHODS - 54 year old male, a
case of carcinoma prostate with the history of previous red
cell transfusion was admitted to hospital for radiotherapy with
severe anemia. On admission his hemoglobin level was 5.5
gmdl and Haematocrit was 18. The blood sample of the
patient was sent to our Blood Bank for serologic testing since
RBC transfusions were required. Blood grouping, Rh Typing
and Coombs Cross-matching by tube method were done and
one unit of A Rh (D) Positive packed RBCs was issued. The
transfusion was interrupted after two and half hours because
the patient complained of chills, lumbar pain, breathlessness
and red color urine. Acute Haemolytic Transfusion Reaction
was suspected and further evaluation was done to confirm the
transfusion reaction. Direct Anti Human Globulin Test (DAT)
was done. In the DAT positive sample, Eluate was prepared
and performed Antibody identification by ID-Dia Med Gel
Technique. RESULTS - In this study, the sample was positive
for DAT and in the eluate Jka antibody was identified.
CONCLUSION - The findings in our study show the
importance of regular monitoring of the clinical effect of
transfusion, even while transfusing coombs crossmatched
Keyword :Kidd antibodies, transfusion reaction, Direct Anti
Human Globulin Test, Acute Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction.

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