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In Human Immunodeficiency virus infected
patients , respiratory complications
are more frequent. They are frequently
the first clinical manifestation of
HIV infection. Opportunistic pulmonary
infections are major causes of morbidity
and mortality among HIV-infected adults
in India TB tops the list of differential diagnoses
of peoplewith or without coexisting
HIV infection. Second among
HIVAIDS-associated pulmonary complications
is community-acquired pneumonia.
It was originally postulated that the
infrequent occurrence of P. carinii pneumonia
(PCP), now newly named P. jirovecii
pneumonia (PJP), among adults
with AIDS-related pulmonary complications
IN INDIA. The prevalence of Pneumocystis
jirovecii pneumonia is increasing,
due to both improved recognition of
its characteristic clinical and radiographic
features and aggressive diagnostic interventions.
The National adult HIV prevalence
in INDIA is approximately 0.36
which corresponds to an estimated 2 million
to 3.1 million people living in INDIA.
Data collected retrospectively from the
medical records of patients
admitted from Jan 2009 Oct 2011.Of the
189 patients admitted 54 individuals had
respiratory ,39 were male and 15 were are
female patients.26 patients was diagnosed
to have pulmonary tuberculosis, 2 was diagnosed
to have extrapulmonary tuberculosis,
9 patients were diagnosed to have
community acquired pneumonia. We also
describe 2 patients with dual infection who
presented with community acquired pneumonia
and pulmonary tuberculosis. 13 patients
was diagnosed to have pneumocystitis
carnii pneumonia.3 patients had bronchogenic
carcinoma ,2 had chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease , 1 had bronchiectasis
. 1 had atypical mycobacteria.
Keyword :Human immunodeficiency virus,
pulmonary tuberculosis,extrapulmonary
TB , bacterial pneumonia, pneumocystits
carnii pneumonia, bronchogenic carcinoma
, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
AIM – 1) To identifythe respiratory
manifestation of HIV infected patient admitted
in university hospital from January
2009 to October 2011 2) To describe the
causative organism associated with Bacterial
– The study is a retrospective analysis

Full Text:



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An initiative of The Tamil Nadu Dr M.G.R. Medical University