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A case report on KLUVER - BUCY SYNDROME - A Dreadful Sequelae of Herpes Simplex Encephalitis



Abstract : A 15- year old male presented
with fever, headache, vomiting
and photophobia. Based on the clinical
profile, laboratory investigations, neuro
imaging and CSF analysis , he was diagnosed
as a case of herpes simplex
( HSV) encephalitis and was treated with
parentral acyclovir and other supportive
measures. After a transient period of initial
improvement , he started exhibiting
abnormal behavioural changes such as
aggressiveness, hyper sexuality, emotional
dampening and increased oral exploratory
behaviour. A diagnosis of
Kluver- Bucy Syndrome secondary to
herpes simplex encephalitis was made
and confirmed after MRI Brain imagingwhich
showed lesions in bilateral temporal

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