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A Study on Prevalence of Depression among Diabetic Patients at Rural Health Centre Marappadi

Kasturi R Nath .


Background: Depression is a common mental

disorder characterized by sadness, loss of interest or

pleasure, feeling of guilt or low self worth, disturbed sleep

and/or appetite, feeling of tiredness and poor concentration.

At its most severe form depression can lead to suicides and

when mild, may be inapparent. But when depression is

moderate or severe they need medication and counseling.

At least 350 million people live with depression and is the

leading cause of disability worldwide. Depression is a

significant co-morbid condition in chronic illness and little is

known about the prevalence of depression or depressive

symptoms in the diabetic patients. Objectives: To assess

the prevalence of depression among diabetic patients and to

find out the demographic factors associated with depression.

Methodology: Community based cross sectional study was

conducted during April 2016 - September 2016. 100 diabetic

patients aged (≥ 40 years) who were attending the rural

health centre Marappadi were included for the study.

Depression was assessed by administering the nine item

Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ). Result: Majority of the

participants (65%) are females. 55% had primary education,

many of them unemployed (66%) and many of them belong

to joint family (55%). 7% participants have severe

depression, 10% were moderately severe depression and

14% were having moderate depression. There is significant

association with type of family (p = 0.045) and occupation

(p = 0.021) with depression. Conclusion: In our study the

participants are mainly female. Depressive symptoms were

more predominant in females they mostly belonging to joint

family and were unemployed.


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