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Basidiobolomycosis a rare chronic granulomatous subcutaneous fungal infection caused by Basidiobolus haptosporus is seen predominantly in children. Here we report two cases of basidiobolomycosis who had been diagnosed elsewhere as chronic abscess, cutaneous tuberculosis and soft tissue tumour. Both of them presented with well circumscribed subcutaneous plaque with India rubber  consistency. Fingers could be insinuated beneath the margins of swelling. A clinical diagnosis of basidiobolomycosis was made. Histopathology showed granulomatous infiltrate              consisting mainly of eosinophils and few giant cells with fungal elements seen as unstained tubes and haloes surrounded by splender hoeppli material which confirmed the diagnosis of basidiobolomycosis. Both the children were started on mixture of potassium iodide to which they showed good clinical            response. This case report is being reported to highlight the importance of early diagnosis and prompt treatment of the infection which has a characteristic clinical morphology and histopathology, so as to avoid unnecessarry surgical                    intervention.


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